Don’t send me to links, answer or don’t, this is the extent of my homework today. You completely ignored my points on America being Federated for all its history back to the Iroquois, and sent me to extracts of Machiavelli and worse Italian theorists. For real Machiavelli in practice read his diplomatic letters…. Iron my foot.
Are you an academic? Because this is academia searching for meaning, and determinism.
Free will wins out. Ask any warlord, even the greatest warlord and tyrant in history, Chinghis Khan of the Mongols, who molded his entire nation into a military unit down to the family, who were 10 man squads, whose leaders all provided their share and did labor themselves (? True Communism? 🤔) had to bow to political vagaries.
Ok. Iron Oligarchy? Show me this happens in Israel? Or within Hilltop youth?
Certainly it never happened in America. Wilson appeared to have it 1917-1918 and then he didn’t. Even Stalin ! didn’t have this Iron Oligarchy, and without enormous distance, 800 divisions and a vacillating Strategic opponent in Hitler whose own people were undermining him from Go (undermining does work) Stalin still barely made it.
This simply doesn’t work in real life. Certainly not in America.
Mind you I am fair. We now have some Oligarchs emerging, perhaps time will prove you more correct. There will however not be ever an actual Iron Oligarchy running America CONUS. This would be true even if Spanish had won, or the Chinese Treasure fleet… in 1462 kept going.
Even Bismarck had to accept many constraints, and he was Germany.
As the example Herod and the romans demonstrates a tyrant/oligarchy needs foreign support to stay in power. Gaining the support of foreigners is easier for people who don't care about Jewish observance. Why is that? As many gentiles have pointed out, the mere observance of jewish law, kashrut, sabbath etc causes the jews to become separate and unable to assimilate. This causes a barrier for religious jews to socialise and lobby gentiles but makes it much easier for the atheist to curry favour with foreign governments.
Of course as a religious jew there is something distasteful, probably even sinful, in trying to gain the support of a foreign government. The end result is that you are restricted to whatever support interested Jews themselves will provide. You had discussed the issue of fundraising a while back.
The atheist will always have a -short term- advantage over the religious jew simply because he is able to draw on the resources of every foreign government who is interested in extending their influence into the holy land, which is everyone.
An oligarchy is not in special need of foreign support, since an oligarchy is the stable and default form of government.
Any government will be reliant on foreign support when the available foreign support is enough to tip the balance between internal factions. Either the dominant faction will, realising this is the case, pre-empt matters, or it will not and will be replaced with another faction using foreign support. Either way, you end up at the same place. The only stable way to avoid this is to restrict all contact with the outside world sufficient to force all factions play within the rules. In the modern context, this means going full North Korea, indeed more than North Korea, since the regime their relies on Chinese support.
One theoretical way out of this is to become so rich and powerful that outside influence is puny in comparison to internal resources. In practice, though, the opposite happens: imperial powers become magnets for every foreign country looking to leverage influence vis a vis their neighbours.
This is basically a special case of Machiavelli's general rule, that the wicked have an advantage over the good, in that they have all of the means available to themselves which the good do, but also can avail themselves of wickedness.
I will leave it to you to point out the limitations of this rule.
For the same reason that one man cannot literally carry out all the activities of government himself, nor can 15 Supreme Court judges. And if they could, they couldn't do it by adjudicating cases. So, while a full descriptive map of the Israeli oligarchy has yet to be drawn up, it is safe to say that the Supreme Court members are part of it, but not it.
What is more, the obsession with the Supreme Court is precisely the sort of misdirection that the Israeli Right uses to stop subjects of the Zionist regime questioning the regime as a whole on a fundamental level. It is emblematic of stale Kahanist politics that have gone nowhere and can't go anywhere.
You’re looking for Iron Rules?
Don’t send me to links, answer or don’t, this is the extent of my homework today. You completely ignored my points on America being Federated for all its history back to the Iroquois, and sent me to extracts of Machiavelli and worse Italian theorists. For real Machiavelli in practice read his diplomatic letters…. Iron my foot.
Are you an academic? Because this is academia searching for meaning, and determinism.
Free will wins out. Ask any warlord, even the greatest warlord and tyrant in history, Chinghis Khan of the Mongols, who molded his entire nation into a military unit down to the family, who were 10 man squads, whose leaders all provided their share and did labor themselves (? True Communism? 🤔) had to bow to political vagaries.
Ok. Iron Oligarchy? Show me this happens in Israel? Or within Hilltop youth?
Certainly it never happened in America. Wilson appeared to have it 1917-1918 and then he didn’t. Even Stalin ! didn’t have this Iron Oligarchy, and without enormous distance, 800 divisions and a vacillating Strategic opponent in Hitler whose own people were undermining him from Go (undermining does work) Stalin still barely made it.
This simply doesn’t work in real life. Certainly not in America.
Mind you I am fair. We now have some Oligarchs emerging, perhaps time will prove you more correct. There will however not be ever an actual Iron Oligarchy running America CONUS. This would be true even if Spanish had won, or the Chinese Treasure fleet… in 1462 kept going.
Even Bismarck had to accept many constraints, and he was Germany.
Just thinking out loud:
As the example Herod and the romans demonstrates a tyrant/oligarchy needs foreign support to stay in power. Gaining the support of foreigners is easier for people who don't care about Jewish observance. Why is that? As many gentiles have pointed out, the mere observance of jewish law, kashrut, sabbath etc causes the jews to become separate and unable to assimilate. This causes a barrier for religious jews to socialise and lobby gentiles but makes it much easier for the atheist to curry favour with foreign governments.
Of course as a religious jew there is something distasteful, probably even sinful, in trying to gain the support of a foreign government. The end result is that you are restricted to whatever support interested Jews themselves will provide. You had discussed the issue of fundraising a while back.
The atheist will always have a -short term- advantage over the religious jew simply because he is able to draw on the resources of every foreign government who is interested in extending their influence into the holy land, which is everyone.
An oligarchy is not in special need of foreign support, since an oligarchy is the stable and default form of government.
Any government will be reliant on foreign support when the available foreign support is enough to tip the balance between internal factions. Either the dominant faction will, realising this is the case, pre-empt matters, or it will not and will be replaced with another faction using foreign support. Either way, you end up at the same place. The only stable way to avoid this is to restrict all contact with the outside world sufficient to force all factions play within the rules. In the modern context, this means going full North Korea, indeed more than North Korea, since the regime their relies on Chinese support.
One theoretical way out of this is to become so rich and powerful that outside influence is puny in comparison to internal resources. In practice, though, the opposite happens: imperial powers become magnets for every foreign country looking to leverage influence vis a vis their neighbours.
This is basically a special case of Machiavelli's general rule, that the wicked have an advantage over the good, in that they have all of the means available to themselves which the good do, but also can avail themselves of wickedness.
I will leave it to you to point out the limitations of this rule.
Israel already has an active oligarchy. It is the secular Supreme Court members
For the same reason that one man cannot literally carry out all the activities of government himself, nor can 15 Supreme Court judges. And if they could, they couldn't do it by adjudicating cases. So, while a full descriptive map of the Israeli oligarchy has yet to be drawn up, it is safe to say that the Supreme Court members are part of it, but not it.
What is more, the obsession with the Supreme Court is precisely the sort of misdirection that the Israeli Right uses to stop subjects of the Zionist regime questioning the regime as a whole on a fundamental level. It is emblematic of stale Kahanist politics that have gone nowhere and can't go anywhere.