I'm not speaking for the Jewish people and the people of Israel.

The Prophet is speaking of a time after the Temple has been rebuilt and the Jews have defeated many nations conclusively.

We have not had a single decade without a war since we've been here, and until the prophecy above comes to fruition, we will not.

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The most telling thing about this is your last paragraph. It's the root cause, not a mere symptom.

The AvgZionist(tm) has a very very significant meaning issue that overshadows his existence here. Once upon a time might made right and conquest in war meant sucks to the loser and stuff to the winner. That has since changed twice over(imo).

AvgZionist(tm) used to be able to say "I live here, I can be here". Then he was able to say "I fought a war and won, I get to stay here and live here". Then he used to be able to say "you goyim killed me and pushed me out so here I am". That's about as far as it went under the old order. Since then, the rules of victory have changed, and it's no longer cool and in style to be a winner or a person of note except with the approval of the already-cool.

What does AvgZionist(tm) do when the same Bible he abhors is the least political means of justifying his being here? Once he could simply dwell and it was enough, but, now it's colonization for the sake of old empires. Once he could fight off his foes, but, now that is considered bad form and unacceptable.

AvgZionist(tm) is thus stuck parroting "Democratiya" while obsessing on how to overrun the democratic will of those with whom he finds inferior. He internally hates the Arab just as much as the settler, just as much as his hatred of the settler, but in today's 2024 world that makes him racist regardless of the why he might have any negative sentiments. So he openly disdains the settler and quietly tries to find cute ways to make Arabs disappear.

AvgZionist(tm) would equal or exceed Betzalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir's desire to throw the Arab out but is handcuffed by his mouth: his expressing talking points makes him captive to the elites he parrots them for and they don't have the "if's and buts" that he has.....so he plots to trade the Triangle for Ariel and Maaleh Adumim because at least they'll pay tax and both are demographically closer to himself(i.e. they're settlements with large secular and masorti populations that think or vote similarly but just have the unluck of living in a settlement).

The Arab, the Charedi, the Dati Leumi, all ask AvgZionist(tm) what he's doing here if it's just another place to live and the religious basis for being here is null. The Arab thinks he'll just go away if life is miserable enough. It's the whole basis of their approach. The Charedi thinks he'll go away for a similar reason but doesn't make it his life's purpose the way the Arab does. The DL thinks AZ is delusional and he needs to smell the coffee,get his ass in gear, and do teshuva so the project can reach it's messianic conclusion.

AZ doesn't know why he's here, paying high taxes, dying for a place that might as well be Narnia in his mind. He's sad because will to stay doesn't apply to him despite the same limiting opinion feeling everyone else can live everywhere else. He's angry because he fought and died and the matter wasn't concluded. He's suffering internal void. His political power and control on others is shrinking by the year.

AZ also grapples with a world that believes anyone can migrate to anywhere but *not him* and *not (t)here*. A world that thinks war refugees should have expedited rights to any country they choose but also hands him the White Paper limiting his right to immigrate. A world that thinks people suffering violence need ICCs and Councils of Reconciliation and Reparations but tells him he deserves the violence he experiences and that if he just would get with the program it wouldn't happen. A world that gaslights him by crying about the pain of others but laughing at his own.

In conclusion, AZ hasn't realized that he's still a Jew and that all stipulated in Haazinu and the relating parshiot about suffering and dispersal from the land still apply. AZ, like a teenager, thinks that ignoring forewarned consequences will remove them.

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BTW hi 👋🏻 from home 🇺🇸🦃 er old home.

We have realized we aren’t submissive ourselves, nor does surrender to gruesome freak loser hireling Haitians or Salvatrucha or Tren de Whatever ourselves…

In consequence we face a dangerous and tiresome transition.

BTW Ron Paul has joined Team DOGE 😂

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That Non-Zionism guy is full of shit. This is as good a deal as could have been struck, short of waving a magicke wand & making the Shi'a disappear.

BTW lots of action going on in Syria.


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Unlike gender, sovereignty is a spectrum. Some states have more freedom to chart their own course than others in both foreign and domestic affairs, and these things are not entirely, nor perhaps even mostly, a function of internal politics.

It's probably fair to say that Israel has demonstrated a marked decrease in sovereignty since its establishment, but that is partly a function of the International Rules-Based Order established by the winners of the Second World War. We're in good company; west European nation-states, most notably Germany, for obvious reasons, have experienced a similar precipitous drop in national sovereignty by way of the Washington-Brussels corridor. I struggle to offer Orbán's Hungary as a shining example of national sovereignty, but for all his flaws, he does seem to be relatively effective at navigating the minefield of EU financial strong-arming while pursuing his country's national interests.

I'm on the fence about whether or not our emerging multi-polar world order will be Good for the Jews (probably not), but one thing the emerging order offers that the current one does not is an opportunity to form clandestine agreements and trade relationships with states that share our interests without having to go through Washington. This would mean a de facto increase in national sovereignty if we play our cards right, but as you write, our vapid, self-serving elite have left us with a sour hand indeed.

I, for one, am reading Putin's speeches at the Valdai Club, and I suggest you to do the same.

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The ICC, having declared war on Israel, should be given the Solemani treatment.

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WTF does American get out of this relationship? (Besides Jeff Epstein, AIPAC, and 9/11)

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"Alright, but aside from giving us control over the junction of Europe, Asia and Africa, the Northern Red Sea and the Eastern Med, and combat testing all our kit under live fire conditions, what have the Israelis ever done for us?"

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Good article. Israel didn’t quite win but it definitely didn’t lose the South Lebanon engagement. The best outcome would’ve been the entire Shia population exiting into Iran or Turkey, permanently, and Israel annexing the land.

However, Gaza first. And, in my understanding, things are still not going as well as they should there.

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speaking for the jewish people and the people of israel

the point of zionism is zionism

we came home to grill in peace under our vine and under our fig

nothing more and nothing less

we have no interest in being excellent to anyone or in participating in any cockamamie tikun olam scheme

you all can take “light to the nations” and “socialist vanguard” and “kingdom of god” and “safe haven” and all the rest and sit on it sideways

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Nobody authorized you to speak for the rest of us.

You're taking the Biblical quote out of context.

As for grilling in peace-"are you winning, son?"

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why who died and made you king?

no I’m not


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> "We are only an American vassal state when we want to be, and as much as we want to be."

You can be free, and pay the price for this "freedom". Some examples (in no particular order) of freeing yourself from the grips of the GAE: Iran, Russia, Syria, NK, South Africa, Rhodesia, Yugoslavia, Cuba, 'Arab spring', etc etc...

And the only reason Israel gets away with all the 'war crimes' and 'human rights violations' is that it has a very (!) enthusiastic support base in the US, AND Bibi knows how to play the game of US politics.

And the reason Israel doesn't cross the GAE red line is not only for the carrots and sticks (although that's a good enough reason on its own), but also because Israelis, even the 'right wing extremist' are fully Americanized in the intellectual and ethical framework. All we need is some yellow school buses and single family housing suburban sprawl, and comically large pickup trucks and SUVs, and we'll be indistinguishable from LA.

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Commies and the Dented aside, the only real counterexample is Rhodesia (South Africa very enthusiastically obeyed all commands from the tower throughout its controlled flight into terrain.) But Rhodesia had no real non-agricultural economy to speak of, no maritime access, no borders with any friendly countries except for SA, which threw it under the bus as per American instructions, and no source of energy. We are very different.

Singapore is one example of a small sovereign state. El Salvador is another. Rwanda a third. Argentina is large and has recently decided to be sovereign.

Think outside the box a bit.

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Why do commies and dentists don't count?

The point is that the GAE can, and will crush you if you're abhorrent enough in their eyes. And Israel avoids being crushed exactly because they play the game of US politics.

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Commies and Dentists don't count because they're retarded (organizationally and biologically, respectively.)

The GAE will crush you if it can, and playing along with it is a recipe for getting crushed. See: South Africa, Libya, Syria, Oslo, Gaza.

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Fine, there was Germany, Japan, and recently Russia.

If you cross certain lines, you will lose more than you gain, and possibly get crushed. And the kind of things you like to say sound a lot like mustache-man talk from the gae perspective.

But really, I don't understand the point of all this 'conquer land and expel the Arabs muh eretz Yisrael ha'shlema' talk.

If we woke up one morning and all the Arabs disappeared, sure, it has it benefits, but what would we do next?

Build the next Afula further north with 20-story buildings with 2-bedroom apartments at the bargain price of 1.5 million shekels (full million shekels less than in Lod! 2 million shekels less than Rishon!!)? Pride parades on the streets of Damascus?

So the GOI now will give their undivided attention to solving the Jewish question?

And most importantly, will the Jewish mechanics stop ripping you off?

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Those lines are largely illusory.

>But really, I don't understand the point of all this 'conquer land and expel the Arabs muh eretz Yisrael ha'shlema' talk.

That's because you're a retarded homosexual.

Allow me to spell it out-if they're not here, I'll never have to read a headline like this again: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/400611

While they're here, this happens every two weeks.

Is muh explanation clear?

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As always, you conveniently ignore the points you want to ignore, pouring rightoid slogans. After living here for so long you've learned the indigenous Shuk haCarmel dialectics.

Muh medinat Israel hashlema would still be fake and gay, and probably even gayer than it is.

It's not even going in that direction anyway. Kahana talked about it, Feiglin talked about it, and we're moving further and further away, but talk some more and now! now it will really happen.

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“submission is all they know”

Independence is hard. You make the decisions and you are responsible for the consequences. Many examples of bad decisions leading to catastrophic defeat. Of course, being America’s vassal is also dangerous and can result in catastrophic defeat.

The mentality of the client state is similar to that of most people who want to be an employee of a large organization rather than the proprietor of a small business. As an employee, all the tough decisions are made above your head. All you do is show up and get paid, and you probably won’t be punished for an acceptable degree of idleness or poor performance. As a small business owner, it’s all on you, no time off and no escaping penalties for sloth or incompetence.

If any American client has the will to break free and be independent, it’s Israel.

I sometimes wonder if many American allies are trying to be fired, so to speak. They are the lazy and insolent employees who for some reason think they are indispensable. But it’s hard to imagine them charting an independent course. Those in the Pacific may find that China is a much less agreeable “employer” than America.

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What do you think of Dave Smith and his “part of the problem” podcast? I feel he is doing a lot of damage.

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I'm sure someone else has come up with this explanation before, but I believe the reason why the US needs proxies is because of the postwar Veteran's Administration system. When anyone receives a service-connected injury, the US is on the hook for both the bulk of the medical care that person will receive for the rest of their life, plus monthly cash payments if they are able to finagle the system. So, when a 20 year old private is exploded and gets a TBI, they will receive monthly payments at a 100% disability rating stepped up with inflation, plus medical care. When truck drivers for the military lose hearing in one ear, the government's on the hook for the cash payments, hearing aids, and everything in between.

The existence of this system also helps to explain why the US is unlikely to mass mobilize ever again unless it simultaneously reforms all the statutes related to the VA.

This creates a strong institutional incentive for conservatism and reliance on fighting at a distance. It also gives the political decision makers powerful incentives to develop proxy forces to get exploded on behalf of the US. It also points the way towards Wagnerization, but the tragic death of Wagner's leader in an unfortunate airplane accident and the circumstances immediately before it demonstrate that Machiavelli might have had a point about the risks of relying on mercenaries.

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USG doesn't mind picking up liabilities-it's incentivized to do so. The VA is a massive empire, even though the service it provides is so bad that people regularly off themselves in the parking lot.

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Well, if you wanted to draft millions of people, you have to pay them to show up. The current system is buckling under a relatively small load. VA healthcare is bad in the absolute sense, but it's "good enough" for lots of people (especially at the price of $0 plus paperwork plus waiting), who shuffle in and out of their facilities in astounding numbers every day. While it may be true that the government's managers want to increase spending, at some point if you want it to do something like fight a war with China a new way of limiting those liabilities has to be developed.

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FWIW, Trump's new VA pick, Doug Collins, is a really good guy.

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Where do I line up to sell my soul, errr, to request a grant?

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Get a doctorate, they'll teach you how to do it

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I was afraid that would be the answer.

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About The non-Zionism dude you quoted - I always check what they said about the war with hezbollah before it fully started . If they regurgitated the mass media hysterics about "no electricity" and thousands of people killed - I know they are full of shit and don't have a reason to believe they are making an argument in good faith. Maybe I am prejudiced , but i try not to engage with psychological warfare -אל תביאני לידי ניסיון

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A better heuristic is how they reacted to covid when it first kicked off. Sadly, this bodes badly for Curtis Yarvin, philosopher king for both Baruch and Gabriel.

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In fairness, he had a personal reason to overestimate the coof

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No doubt, but still disqualifying. Every psyop red alarm was blaring - an unforgivable oversight.

And still no mea culpa as far as I'm aware, too.

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It's true that a man who spent a decade enlightening us to the structural reasons the Cathedral does insane and harmful things to its subjects retreated into Redditism when it did the most insane and harmful thing in our lifetimes. I recall the phrase "cell spooge" being used to explain the harmlessness of the mRNA injection and calls for all international travel to be ended and so forth.

However, I never called for Curtis to be annointed king, and was aware of the fact that he had a family member who was extremely medically vulnerable, so am not harsh in my assessment.

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What did he say?

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I think you’re eliding two issues here: is Israel dependent on the GAE? and must Israel do whatever the GAE demands?

We may disagree about it but I think the answer to the first question is basically “yes”. To the latter question, you’re correct that the answer is “no”, largely because there are factional differences within America about how to treat Israel. There are even factional differences within the Inner Party of the GAE: Foggy Bottom bureaucrats and Chuck Schumer likely disagree quite a bit on this issue, for instance.

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Israel's dependence on the GAE is a matter of choice, just like making the Iron Dome to shoot down oncoming Arab rockets instead of 155mm rounds to flatten the point of origin is a matter of choice.

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America has nothing to gain by supporting Israel. Much less than nothing, in fact. We have no reason to be involved but-for the fact that our foreign policy establishment is fully controlled by Jews (Bliken, Nuland et al). This is simply a fact of life, if you let Jews control your foreign policy you find yourself in bed with Israel.

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I'm surprised that, with this breathtaking level of insight, you haven't managed 6rise to a higher level of influence, where you could really make a difference. Let me guess-cucked by the Jews, once again?

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