> It is different here because our Arabs neither belong to the Umma nor the state of Israel. Rather, they belong to the “international community,” that is to say, the US government and its satrapies across the world, the GAE (Global American Empire).

They belong to both the Umma and the GAE. Thus as members of the Umma they wage jihad against Israel, and as members of the GAE they become sacred victims when Isreal defends itself.

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The Umma doesn't exist as a cohesive entity. GAE does.

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In a sense they exist in similar sense, in that both are enforced by virtue signaling, just with rather different notions of "virtue".

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I don't think it's entirely fair to analyze GAE as a Christian phenomenon when many of its staunchest and most effective supporters are themselves Jews. Their ideology, while I agree it contains elements of Christianity, also has a certain level of hostility to white Europeans.

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Those are assimilated Jews and the ideology of the GAE is anti-Jewish

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If so, why does every single US presidential candidate come to Israel and kiss the wailing wall?

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The Western Wall is a holy site for Christians as well.

Currently politicians don't lose votes visiting Isreal, but politicians do gain a few, so they visit.

Some political analysts expect Dem candidates to stop visiting Israel as a growing faction of that party has less amicable views on Israel/Religion, but not anytime soon, as its still seen as a great way to win support from religious voters.

Some other reasons:

-Many Christians like Jews for religious reasons: the messiah coming back only when Israel is full of Jews again

-"if Israel didnt exist, we would need to build an Israel" -Joe biden, as it serves strategic interests for USA. A lot of oil/trade flows through middle east, USA wants a strong ally nearby able to fight (suez canal crisis was an example where israel clearly served US interests) (Why does Russia have a military base in Syria? For same reason probably)

-historical reasons, after WW2, USA saw Nazi horrors liberating camps, many Americans, jewish and non-Jewish, supported Israeli Independence

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It's not about the votes, it's about the Benjamins, and about media support. Over half of Democratic political-donation dollars, and about 25% of Republican ones, come from Jews.

Also the USA was on the other side of Israel in the Suez crisis. Israel makes the US's job in the middle east harder not easier because it upsets the Arabs.

If it was about Christianity you'd see them visiting the tomb of the holy sephulchre, none of them do that.

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Il read more into the Suez Canal comment, looks like i misremembered that one!

When you say "it's about the Benjamins", are you insinuating if the USA didnt have so many rich powerful Jews USA wouldn't have aircraft carriers in Middle East? I have to slightly disagree with you on that one. All of the money matters, not just Jewish money.

-40% of natural gas is there

-60% of oil is there

-10% of global trade passes through the red sea

If the USA didn't have Israel, or Israel wasn't Jewish, the USA would still partner with a country in the middle east to try guarantee US geopolitical strategic success. Theres a reason the middle east is littered with American military bases and non-American military bases. If there was no oil or gas in the middle east, i think your argument would be more provable as there wouldn't be such an economic incentive for superpowers to control who is running the show over there.

Futhermore, Israel's enemies are not only attempting to defeat Israel, they proudly proclaim "death to America" and chop people's heads off whenever they get the chance, theres good reason for Americans and others to want to defeat them.

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the hostility to white Europeans comes from the deChristianized Christian element of it. obsession with loving the outsider and hating the self.

the super-secularized, atheist Jews represented within the GAE are indistinguishable from the white libs whom they emulate.

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Dec 29, 2023
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No such thing as an ex Jew

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When discussing the Jewish community in the West, or GAE, one needs to understand the two large factions of the Jewish community.

1. Active member of the Jewish community who retains Jewish identity (and doesn't completely assimilate spiritually, culturally, politically, etc. (about 10% of Jewish community depending on how you measure it - one easy way is what % of Jews actually attends a synogogue?)

2. Jewish by DNA, but realistically has completely assimilated into Western/GAE culture. Sure, they still are happy to have some rich cultural history, and are happy to announce they are an interesting minority, but realistically that have been completely assimalated (about 90% of Jews if we use our previous metric).

This isnt unique to Jews, you could say the same thing about Catholics, Irish, Italien, etc. in the West. Think about it - 100 years ago:

-most Irish people in US would only hang out with other Irish people. Irish people would have a unique culture and way of thinking (not the case anymore).

-most Jewish people in US would only hang out with other Jewish people. Jewish people would have a unique culture and way of thinking (not the case anymore).

Nowadays this isn't the case, most cultures are basically getting assimilated completely in the West. So these Jews, largely are just acting like everyone else depending on where they live. So yes, many powerful Jews exist in DC, New York, LA, but realistically, they are acting just like every other powerful person in those cities.

I found this podcast pretty interesting that touches on the subject of Jewish identity basically assimilating, and how it effects voting patterns among Jews in US - https://www.coleman-nation.com/2022/12/12/we-didnt-make-it-for-you/

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Dec 29, 2023
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I've never heard of any hostility towards Christians from Jews, other than Jews criticizing Christians when they secretly join Jewish communities with the intentions of converting Jews, which is a thing i guess.

You say Palestinians are defined by hatred towards Israel? It might feel like that nowadays, but I dissagree, i think Palestinians are simply a people that unfortunately find themselves subject to many different proxy wars towards US/Israel.

I dont think Ukrainians are defined by hatred towards Russia. My understanding is over the last 300 years or so, becoming independent, fighting with Russia, etc, has kind of been the norm for that section of the world.

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Dec 29, 2023
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The..."Talmud", you say?

I'll be sure to look into it.

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I don't get it. The Arabs are part of the GAE, and Israel gets most of its weapons from this same GAE?

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The Arabs are its clients, as are we.

The standard US playbook is to prop up both sides and then pull out the chair from under the stronger one, first gradually and then all at once. See: China, Cuba, the Shah in Iran.

Soft power means, among other things, keeping your clients vulnerable by restricting the means available to them artificially, and subtly propping up their enemies.

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Fascinating analysis again. But if Israel were not a satrapy of the USA, or if it stopped being one, could it defend itself and remain in existence?

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Same way it existed 1948-1973

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It almost stopped existing in 1973. (I know because I saw the movie last month during my Israel trip.) But I understand your framework as being based on first principles and not really suggesting an exit at this point. From what I remember, you view the Americanized Israeli lefties running the state institutions as almost competent in doing so, and the right as apes. That doesn't leave much room for a spectacular reversal of the situation.

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Exactly. Anyway it's not 1973. It's either the GAE (which Baruch claims is also supporting the Arabs, go figure) or China/Russia. Israel cannot survive on its own.

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Not so.

We now have our own hydrocarbons, a population 3 times the size of that of 1973, and due to technological progress, IQ and creativity play an even larger role than they did back then.

The failure is one of vision, not possibility.

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Hydrocarbons need protecting. the US carrier group is now protecting Israel's natural gas fields. Long range rockets exist now that didn't in 1973.

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If US carrier groups protect the hydrocarbons from missile attacks, they do it with systems that the Israeli Navy can deploy for itself. Not only that, but missile attacks invite similar reprisals; Iran has hydrocarbon assets as well, as does Lebanon.

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Oct 18, 2023
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Well, yeah. I think that people owe a different allegiance to their family and nation than they do to strangers. I'm not some sort of virtue signaling Universalist meshumad, you know?

But that's me steel manning your argument. In fact, I dislike Zionism and precisely for the fact that it's a "homeland movement", in other words, an expression of a bankrupt 19th century secular ideology. Our right to this Land is purely religious and contingent on the Torah.

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Oct 18, 2023
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My right is dependent on my religion. Theirs is reliant on theirs. Neither of us respect you.

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Oct 18, 2023
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Oh, I meant you as in you, personally. Reddit types.

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Oct 18, 2023
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Oct 18, 2023
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They are not righteous, because our book is true and theirs comes from a schizophrenic desert bandit.

I would love for the GAE (Global American Empire) to keep its snout out of our neck of the woods.

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Oct 18, 2023
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Oct 18, 2023
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The national industry of Palestinians is receiving international aid. As in, from the "international community." Is there another "international community" that's not ZOG whose existence I missed? Or are Gazans being sponsored by Burma and North Korea? Inquiring minds want to know!

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Oct 18, 2023
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I would be enthusiastic about Israel giving up all foreign AIDS. Unfortunately, our politicians are corrupt puppets of the West.

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Oct 18, 2023
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We had no such guarantee for the first 25 years and had our greatest successes in that time. Since we've had that guarantee, we haven't won a single war. US AIDS is a golden leash around our neck.

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