I don't understand the call at the end of this piece but there is a lot here that is true and you write with wit and bravado. Well done. Love, a Tel Aviv liberal.

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Thank you for the exhaustive and sniding recap of the latest upheavals from a non-fluoridated point-of-view. Aside from the judicial crisis itself, there's a lot that is analogous to other Western countries, in a Yarvinian framework.

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התחלתי לקרוא מאמרים שלך

מאוד מעניין

יישר כח

איפה אתה גר, בישראל או באמריקה?

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תודה רבה. אני גר בארץ.

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אתה משתמש באנגלית כי פונה לקהל יהודי בחו"ל?

אני חושב שאתה מציג רעיונות חשובים ומעניינים

אולי כדי לתרגם לעברית (גם לשפות אחרות) ולהפיץ כמה שיותר ברשת

מבחינה רעיונית אנחנו היום במבוי סתום, זה נכון גם לגבי ימין וגם לגבי שמאל

מאמרים שלך יכולים לגרום לאנשים לחשוב (שזה תמיד טוב), ולהסתכל על דברים מזווית אחרת

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מודה על המילים שלך. לצערי הרב, העברית שלי לא מספיק טובה לתרגום. אם משהו היה רוצה לתרגם, הייתי שמח מאוד.

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Good article. I agree with analysis, but disagree with the conclusion. You seem to say that we might as well keep flying under the lousy second rate captain, who at least gets us from point A to point B, and even feeds us hummus airplane food.

This assumes that the people in charge are content with being in charge, and wish to perpetuate the status quo. In reality, they feel threatened by the higher birth rates of the religious sector, and openly plan to put an end to the entire phenomenon of Torah Jews. A man prone to drama would call it genocide.

This reform was a tipping point. Until now, the left was living on borrowed time, waiting until their low birth rate collapses their power. Now, with their victory, they have the carte blanche to take radical action to make sure it never happens to them. Now we are on borrowed time, waiting to hear what new plan they have for us, with busloads of Yassamnikim and the entire IDF to make sure we won't rebel against it.

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Oy, vey! It's anudda etc.

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I don't think it will get to the level of physical extermination, but there are a lot of unpleasant scenarios short of the gas chambers. Circumcize your son? Child abuser, the State will raise your kids now. 18yo? Into the Army! No more independent education systems, everyone into public schools to learn about 🏳️‍⚧️Trans Rights🏳️‍⚧️. Every Hassidic sect is now an actual sect, and their leaders get the Daniel Ambash treatment. Shchita is animal cruelty. The Talmud is homophobic, misogynistic, and xenophobic document, and anyone teaching it as the truth is a *phobic, and loses 10 credit score points for every lecture. Or just goes to jail. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e30f482cade438bdeed11e1d04f994a8

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Wow, scary scenario.

I am sure that if, instead of actual secular Israelis, we were ruled by Romans, it would be possible.

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I've told you before that left wing tactics do not work for the right, and copying them will not bring the results you desire. What you are doing right now is the right wing version of the Handmaid's Tale protests. Do you need an explanation of why it will have the opposite effect on your target audience than their histrionics do on theirs?

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It's not a tactic, it's a legitimate worry. We stroke at the government, failed, and are now at their mercy. We made them feel afraid for their power and their way of life. Do you think there will be no consequences?

Here is perfect justification of my fears: https://twitter.com/AvigdorLiberman/status/1642765072115159040?s=20

You are a smart guy. What do you think "Constitution without Haredim" means?

Oh, and by the way. If it were a tactic, and it isn't, than it would be a right wing tactic. Haredim have been dressing up in Auschwitz pajamas long before most leftists watched A Handmaid's Tale

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If it's not a tactic but a serious fear of yours, I can only say that you misunderstand the nature of the Israeli state, which is not Roman or Hellenic but rather Byzantine.

As for the Haredim-how's that tactic been working out for them? Do the police have Haredi sensitivity departments now? Are they seriously addressing the Haredi accusations of Nazism? Is there a Haredi liaison to the police who addresses every incident of the cops beating up Haredim, spraying them with the skunk fluid and in general acting like bullies? lol. lmfao.

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When trying to predict the exact nature of their response to the attempted rebellion, I would compare the Zionists less to Romans, Greeks, or Byzantines, and more to Socialists. After all, the root of the Zionist enterprise was Socialism. How do Socialists deal with threats?

An even better comparison would be to how the Zionists themselves deal with a minority who they are afraid will grow and replace them. How do the Zionists deal with Arabs? How would the Zionists deal with Arabs, if the western world wasn't running interference for them? Would you enjoy experiencing that?

You will.

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