Very random crossover

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The significant reduction of teen pregnancy in the West and its drastic decline in Latin America and Asia impacts total fertility rates. As women are now having children later—by 5 to 10 years—the distribution of childbirth ages shifts. Age of childbirth for women follows normal distribution. Stopping teen pregnancy shifts the entire distribution. But women's fertility is not evenly spread over their reproductive years. It's increasingly difficult to conceive in their mid to late 30s and nearly impossible in their 40s without expensive medical assistance. The shifted distribution means more women trying to get pregnant later in life with a lower likelihood of success.

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Dunno. Sub-19 pregnancy is rare among the Haredim, very rare among religious Zionists, yet families with 5 children or more are very common.

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I think clearly the Jews are an outlier in the tfr discussion. One of the highest predictors of a women having a child is if she already had a child. Starting early makes that second and third more likely. Women starting later have a smaller window to make that happen. Clearly it’s not the only answer, nor am I saying we want a bunch of knocked up 15 year olds. But it’s just a statistical artifact of the distribution. You can see the effect in the data https://www.bgsu.edu/ncfmr/resources/data/family-profiles/schweizer-guzzo-distribution-age-first-birth-fp-20-11.html

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Puritans married later and still had lots of kids.

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one more. as canadian i apologize for the holodomor and the st. louis.


hamas had war plans. failed because of meth psychosis. failed because of noforn addiction, pillaging communities and unspeakable warcrimes, failed because tzur/sidon/baalbek/the laban mountain range/north of haifa/north of damascus _decided_ that there was too much risk of the taliban replacing UNIFIL.

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sorry, one more technical note:

the only value in spending huge amounts of microcircuit manufacturing capacity on specific integrated circuits, aside from incentivizing the more useful flare-off of trapped methane, building of hydroelectric infrastructure, economies of scale increasing silicon and photolithographic manufacturing capacity, and memeing and psy-op-ing an honest natural ponzi into existence with no barriers to exit, is that it does everything that bricktschaiyjn can and more, with sunk cost and irrevocable lost work coordinating a probabilistic time-asymptotic solution to the byzantium coordination problem, without the same marketing insanity of the miner carbon-copies and inferior clones as the 'wasting energy and silicon' market in its 'sunk cost' niche is kind of winner-takes all:


proving that a piece of data(including 'random' whether from a smoke alarm/geiger microphone PCM digitizer) exists at a certain point in the space-past, and the same utility as holding a newspaper in a VHS tape of the non-alchoholic canadian non-precursor cough syrup. RIP buckley, the noble 300 of the halls-of-tripoli and the western shores of sicily.

700 wives? yes, this is jewish tradition, it's better than starving. i forgot the rabbi's name.


baer's investigation was that pasdaran did it. also this :\\



he was station chief in dushanbe, tajikstan, knew how to make a flashbang with a floppy mirror and a baloon, and makes an armalite navy-grade air-superiority spotter taildragger look like a 49-cent drone.

baer also, learned that video games are simulations, that war simulations also reduce fertility(at risk of putting letters in his mailbox), baer a''h learned the rule-based systems of equations and technologies, and baer the robert has carefully documented the oil-cartel-based economic market-share macro-incentives and disincentives faced by the ritchie boys, the bigotry in the hard-boiled egg and salad market in civilianizing bzzbzz marylanders while serving food boiled in rendered chazir, and the anglo interception key-aquisition, applied-math analysis, and riddle encapsulated in a question micro-dotted inside a buckwheat grain wrapped inside a halal pancake suitable for air travel....

compartmentalization works, apparently. RSA, ecdsa, skein, keccak, 384-bit lowest-bidder-grade applied circuit-design, all of it is less useful than a laser-cut stone.


ok. sorry about this, these nukhba brigades seem to have trained outside of the earth( of yisroel west of the river ). there were mercs wearing blue disguises in this fight. tehillim 117: why are gojjim praising Hashem? hidden miracles where even the beneficiaries didn't know the insane complexity of the roman 'quen' amalek 'gambling' persian 'tribute' bavel 'urban liquid waste management/underwater postern gate/divertable nahar bavel' making madai and paras happy about a waterfall/cataract in basra dashing small oocytes against the boulders of the rapids of the gulf river delta.


we remember yom yerushalayim. _they_(boycott, embargo, proxy-legion, casus-belli/napalm) said 'aru aru ad hayesod ba'.


y.poll ardh earned that extra letter in his amazing name. od yosef chai. sorry for mentioning their names, may Hashem help us all. please, Hashem, remember the Chayalim Almonim for good.

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really fascinating mussar. bunch of things i didn't know, and feeling a lot of sympathy with mr. collins. baruch, this is really good work. collins does useful sorting and analysis, and bringing the emuna of post-mk recalls the chamber of hewn stone -- if that's an accelerated frame of reference, or otherwise.

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i like permaculture, aquaponics, using depleted photovoltaics as shed walls, and eating kale sprouts grown in a local mall inside of a growop inside of an old street. welcome to the 13-minute mile. welcome to the best of the possible cybernetic cyphertractable futures.

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It would be hard to find a man more religious than Joshua Lawrence Chamberlin during our civil war and he was the definition of one of the cool kids. Anyone who saves the republic with a bayonet charge is automatically cool. We don't do religion like that anymore nor do we find 18 year olds who will learn Greek and Latin just to gain access to source religious documents. We live on the shoulder of giants.

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giants such as the father of goliath? light-aperature, fallen-toone, the two recent planets?


anakim skywalkers, mark daybreak, baritone luciano, really it's amazing that 3-year-olds are learning a special of specialities, language of mothers and consonants of fathers, able to read carthage and sidon in the original lapidary abgde, and the happy script of the _writing on the wall_. yonah hanavi: (and this is not a quote, just an observation[edit]) asshur may have been lost, but the aramaic language is yet valid in contract law.


thank you, tim.

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